End of the Line

I've wanted to write a post on Sustainable Seafood and the atrocities occurring outside of this practice for a while. A lot of it is pretty obvious, i.e. don't eat McDonald's filet-o-fish sandwiches or Gorton's fish sticks, considering these products are literally entire schools of pollock taken from the ocean. Some of it is not so obvious, like discerning between aquacultured fish and some safely trawled seafood. However, I think this documentary I just watched is any easy way of making it known.

The name of the documentary is End of the Line, and it was pretty frightening. I've been reading about the subject for a while, but this documentary just scares you. Kind of like the Food Inc. for the Oceans, I suppose. Granted, it is quite biased and I'm sure it's a bit "Inconvenient Truth-esque" in skewing some of the statistics. However, it is utterly undeniable that there is a problem with our current approach to harvesting from the sea. This movie is an easy and accessible medium to get the basic jist of what's happening. Watch it, research more, and follow some of the links attached to guide your choices.

End of The Line

Here is a list of a few sites that provide basic information on which fish and other seafood to choose, which restaurants to choose, and some local action you can take beyond seafood consumption.


Seafood Watch


The Watershed Project

And remember, HELP SAVE DRAKES BAY OYSTERS! Also, eat Sardines!

The SF Oyster Nerd

WTF's in my Oyster!


The Tomahawk